About Valentine, Neb., and Miller Field

Founded in 1882, the city of Valentine is located in north-central Nebraska at the edge of the sandhill region. Before 1967, the city straddled two time zones, with Main Street dividing mountain and central time zones (the line was moved so the city now rests within the central zone).

Miller Field sits on 279 acres and features a pair of runways: Runway 14/32 is concrete and measures 4,703 long by 75 feet wide; Runway 3/21 serves as an asphalt crosswind runway and is 3,700 long by 60 feet wide. There are six box type hangars, three private hangars, and three T-Hangars. Miller Field also has a terminal building with restrooms, a lounge, WIFI, and television.

About the ALP Update and Narrative Report

The City of Valentine is undertaking an Airport Layout Plan Update & Narrative Report to evaluate the airport’s capabilities and role, to forecast future aviation demand, to plan for the timely development of new or expanded facilities to meet demand and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) design standards, and to ensure the airport maintains economic self-sufficiency.

The ALP Update & Narrative Report follows a structure established by the FAA. Key components of the study, including the aviation demand forecasts and the ALP drawing set (technical drawings of the current and planned airport layout), will ultimately be reviewed and approved by the FAA.

Draft project materials will be made available on this site as they become available. A Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) comprised of various airport stakeholders including representatives from airport management, airport tenants, the City of Valentine, and others will assist with recommendations throughout the project.

Valentine Sign